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Erie County Forest Management Plan Update

About The Plan

Smart Growth and Resiliency

The Town of York, along with its planning team CC Environment & Planning and Labella, and in partnership with NYS Department of State Smart Growth Planning Grants Program, is developing a Comprehensive Plan Update. The Plan will build upon the existing 2006 Comprehensive Plan by updating current conditions, reviewing recent, relevant plans and studies, and integrating Smart Growth principles into comprehensive goals, objectives, and strategies. The key to successful plan development and, more importantly, plan implementation is a creative and inclusive Community Engagement Strategy. The planning team will employ a variety of techniques to ensure that the plan is well informed by the community it is intended to serve and thus positioned for successful implementation.

The Town of York Comprehensive Plan will provide an organized and concise account of current conditions including land use, natural resources, agriculture, demographics, housing, infrastructure, transportation, economic development, historic resources and viewsheds, recreation, and education. Existing plans, data, policies, and regional considerations relevant to the comprehensive planning process will be reviewed and compiled. Studies designed to provide additional information about key issues for York will be conducted.

To read more about The Town of York and the planning team CC Environment & Planning and LaBella, click on the links below.

Town of York

CC Environment & Planning

LaBella Associates

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